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This children's encyclopedia from National Geographic kids magazine tells with scientific accuracy about various insects and arachnids: what these creatures eat and where they live, how they reproduce and develop, and how they disguise themselves to a …

All children adore fairy tales about magical transformations, evil witches and good fairies. The stories collected by the Brothers Grimm, Clemens Brentano and the French storyteller Madame d'Honoit enchant, impress and teach children to be sincere, ge …

"Santa is ready to go on a trip to please the kids with New Year's gifts. But here's the trouble! His hat has gone somewhere. Maybe it was blown away by the wind? Is this another trick of the besket elf? We need to find the hat as soon as possible …

The moment when reading fairy tales is very important for a child, and this illustrated collection of stories about wildlife is sure to help the little one fall asleep. All seventy stories included in the book are short: they can be read in just five minu …

At the top of the Big Tree lives a family of squirrels - father, mother and three baby squirrels - Melchior, Baltazar and Caspar (these were the names of the wise men who brought gifts to Jesus for Christmas). On the eve of the great holiday, Luke Caspar …

The Rocky World of Eternal Summer is inhabited by wise snakes and dragons who have overcome envy and live in harmony and harmony, each with its own purpose and honoring the law. However, this magical World was unexpectedly struck by disaster: the firebird …