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The Saab 29, called “Flygande Tunnan” (English: "The flying barrel") was a Swedish fighter designed and manufactured by SAAB in the 1940s. It was Sweden's second turbojet-powered combat aircraft, the first being the Saab 21R; additionally, it was the firs …

Since 1825, South America has gained independence from the colonial rule of Spain and Portugal. As a result, numerous new independent countries emerged on the continent. Each of these nations developed its own military forces, characterized by unique orga …

This latest photo-album in the "Camera On" series contains 150 more photographs of private cars adapted for military use by the German forces during WWII. The Mercedes motor company major production types are covered. In this volume the author provides a …

An illustrated history of the evolution of the "Emil" version of Germany's most famous World War Two fighter aircraft: How the Bf 109 E changed during production from 1936-1941; How to recognize the different versions from the E-0 to the E-9; Documenting …

Scale plans in 1/48 and 1/32 of Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-2 & G-6 versions. Includes all subversions. A3 size pages in A4 pb.