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Чому зникли динозаври? Як народжується вулкан? Чому ми позіхаємо? Чи можемо ми ходити поверхнею Юпітера? Коли народився перший комп’ютер? Ця дивовижна книжка дасть відповіді на безліч складних питань із багатьох галузей науки: астрономії, фізики, природни …

Walt Disney, Joan Rowling, Vincent Van Gogh, Frida Kahlo and other artists have gathered on the pages of this book to tell readers about various types of art, including visual arts and literature. The author provides biographies and examples of the most f …

The champion of all detectives, Fletcher, who constantly hunts down bizarre criminals and always gets into various trouble, is back in action. This time, detective Fletcher is incredibly upset: the restaurant in the backyard is temporarily closed, so he c …

The last days of the summer holidays are not yet a reason to forget about adventures. So Dasha and Romchyk go on a strange and confusing quest through the capital. They will have to reveal the secret of the treasure map drawn by Taras Shevchenko, look for …

This children's encyclopedia from National Geographic kids magazine tells with scientific accuracy about various insects and arachnids: what these creatures eat and where they live, how they reproduce and develop, and how they disguise themselves to a …

The company of animals - Mikkel the fox, Flora the deer, Poppy the raccoon and Rufus the boar - as always, is ready to come to the aid of every child. And that's great! Because Diego doesn't like going to the forest kindergarten and misses home ve …

All children adore fairy tales about magical transformations, evil witches and good fairies. The stories collected by the Brothers Grimm, Clemens Brentano and the French storyteller Madame d'Honoit enchant, impress and teach children to be sincere, ge …

"One day it happens. Suddenly you feel completely confused. It appeared in your life - menstruation. It seems that you have already heard somewhere about this special process of the female body. But I was ashamed to ask my mother in detail, Google gave a …

In the book of a meticulous religious scholar and researcher, a new, unusual view of the East is offered - with the aim of showing the reader random or false images and interpretations and many hidden meanings that Europeans usually do not notice. Readers …

England, 1940. The world's last copy of the Middlebury pink camellia grows on the territory of the country estate. On the eve of the Second World War, the American Flora makes a deal with a thief. Her task is to infiltrate the estate and find the came …

"KEEP A DIARY, TO FEEL FREE FROM PROBLEMS! Holding grudges and contemplating revenge takes a lot of energy. Yes, waiting for the moment of bad luck warms the soul, but true bliss can be felt simply by sending everything to hell. By keeping this diary, you …

Are you tired of looking at stagnation, looking at restless, empty and stuck in a career and in life? Then grab the sirniki - numo fire! Zrazmarima by his own ninebez-nibeans, the truth about the dash of their biases that is the reason that the bugato peo …

Soon to school-2 is an express course that will help children quickly and effectively prepare for school. The material is divided into separate classes, and the tasks are placed according to the principle "from simple to complex". A preschooler will get t …

The house-dwelling hare is more than anything afraid to go outside his home. And he knows about adventures only from the mouth of his best friend. The fox quietly invents interesting stories. Only the noisy games of his friends constantly interfere during …

The smartest of all the smartest detective Gerard is back on the case! Guinea pig investigations continue even during the summer holidays in the country, at the Vytivka farm. This time, such adventures await Gerard, for which even he was not ready. A slee …

Here is a touching story of the Paper Princess, created by a little girl Lisa from a sheet of old notes. A little clumsy, but cute Princess reveals an important secret: the main thing is to remain true to yourself and listen to your heart!

For you is a diary-chronicle of the approach, beginning and unfolding of the great war. The battle for life and freedom continues, Ukraine resolutely rebuffs the "Russian measure". The author is an observer and participant in a number of described events, …

In your hands a wonderful gift to the baby is a big bright encyclopedia for the smallest. She will become your child's favorite book, color photos will attract her attention, and short but meaningful articles will help you answer the little chief's questi …

All the women in the Linnie von Links family were famous: great-grandmother Emily??Hollywood star, older sister Leslie??the first Gothic violinist. Even her little sister Frida is called a fashion icon at the age of five! It's time for Linna to conque …

A disaster happened: Caruso, Hanna's favorite cat, disappeared! However, a magical pencil came to help and took the girl and her friend Henry to the very bottom of the ocean. In a strange way, they were able to swim like fish, as well as communicate w …

Wandering is what the brain does all the time. We are governed by habits and instincts. And we do not even realize that we constantly exist on the border of the past and the future, when we should be present here and now. Live in the moment every moment. …

Childhood is the land of eternal summer and love. A time when you can sit carefree with your grandfather on the veranda, listening to stories about water leaves, the Milky Way, the planet Zoria, and the ocean woven from silver threads... Slavko and Ilko a …

There is a beautiful garden not far from the cozy estate. Abducted young women whose skin is covered with butterfly tattoos live here. They are kept here by a gardener, a cruel pervert, obsessed with collecting unique exhibits. But finally the mysterious …

Делсі живе на півострові Кейп-Код разом зі своєю бабусею, але мріє про «звичайну» сім’ю. Давня подруга відтепер чомусь соромиться проводити з нею час, та й інші зміни не радують. А Делсі дуже не любить сюрпризи й неочікувані повороти. Триматися їй допомаг …

Linnie Von Linx becomes an actress! Her class is preparing for the play Snow White and the Seven Strangers", and Linnie is sure that she will play the best Snow White in the world! But boring Jana Streber just takes the role from under her nose! Of course …

Love, humor and harmony reign in a poor rural family ... Poor Roman is so eager to learn that every day he goes past the school window just to have a look at it... A girl steals bread from a classmate because there is nothing to eat at home... Little Tara …

Ophelia has just been appointed a lady-in-waiting at Farouk's court, and she thinks she is finally safe. But soon the girl receives anonymous letters with threats: if she does not cancel her wedding to Thorne, disaster will befall her. And she is not …

The adventure is just beginning... This amazing book continues the story of a unique robot named Roz, who learns the language of animals and becomes a mother to a gosling, Clearbeak. No sooner has Roz adjusted to life on a wild island, than she finds hers …

With the help of the books in the "My Day with STEM" series, children learn many interesting facts about mathematics, science, technology and engineering. This will allow young readers to test themselves in the most modern and relevant professions and con …

The first Ukrainian graphic story

One night someone in a white toga sneaks into a bookcase in Markian's room. The boy wakes up, but notices only a stork flying outside the window over the winter lake Okonsky. After this mysterious meeting, Markian finds himself in a purple-blue fog th …

Startups often do not know where to look for customers, how to conquer the market, increase funding, hire people who know how to sell. And there is no question of getting venture funding and finding investors. Amos Schwartzfarb will be your mentor through …

Isadora is looking forward to the birthday party her parents are throwing. And it will be an incredible event! "

Children's mini-encyclopedia about insects and arachnids is a great book for everyone who wants to dive into the mysterious world of these creatures. Young readers will learn a lot of facts about the way of life of butterflies and beetles, ants and be …

During the holidays, someone has a new friend, another has a scary injury from a trip to the sea, and Klavita Reno has marvelous plaits on his wrists. Having eaten a little one for the third element, which has all the symbols on its hands, the girls make …

In this warm and at the same time sharp story, the events of the past and the present are skillfully intertwined. The main character Kaylee Crane can not believe in her own happiness: she is a successful journalist and the bride of the perfect guy. Howeve …

This illustrated encyclopedia will reveal the most interesting secrets of the animal world to young readers: o who are mammals and amphibians; o what do lions and tigers eat; o where lemurs and penguins live; o what creatures inhabit the depths of the sea …

This illustrated encyclopedia will reveal to young readers the most interesting secrets of the interstellar space of our planet: - what is the Big Bang and when did it happen? - what are the types of galaxies and stars? How do meteorites differ from aster …

The Rocky World of Eternal Summer is inhabited by wise snakes and dragons who have overcome envy and live in harmony and harmony, each with its own purpose and honoring the law. However, this magical World was unexpectedly struck by disaster: the firebird …

"Welcome to the magical world of books, where two interesting stories about unusual friends await you. The first one is about... hats who live a full life: they communicate, travel, rest, play hide and seek, make friends, fall in love and break up... And …

There is a huge problem in the jungle! The mysterious monster terrifies local residents every day with its loud stomping. The animals are so frightened that it does not occur to them to find out who it is. But thanks to the brave Wasp, everything suddenly …

Do you want to be always in trend? Expand this coloring page, look for popular places, distant mountains, quiet beaches and choose the trip of your dreams. You can also be creative to your heart's content, giving the pictures your own style with the h …

With the books of the "I can be" series, children will be able to test themselves in the most modern and relevant professions

Penguins usually live in Antarctica. But it is unusual if they stay at Kyiv schoolboy Vanya Ovalov's place. Even more unusual is when they shoot guns and take part in rock concerts. And they level everything in the house to the ground. They know how t …

This astonishing book features two unbelievable stories about Microbot. Ended up on the Earth, a robot-superhero has found some friends, Amelie and Peter, who accompany him in all his trips and adventures. Friends will go on a space journey to the enigmat …

In the "Magical Beast Stories" series, the main characters are children and good protectors who call themselves Feriguards. In the book "Sunny and the Magic Box", the feriguard dog and the children help Santa Claus find a magic box that was stolen by an u …

"The boy Vitya grew up all his life with grandmother Svitlana, who is quite a connoisseur, loving and kind. But he misses his dad so much, who is farting somewhere in Africa and does not come to the holidays... The mysterious Miss Mystery promises that he …

"It seems that just yesterday the Morzosvin detective was investigating all kinds of strange or incomprehensible events, misdeeds, misfortunes, and even real crimes and lived an interesting peaceful life. And now he is a brave soldier! At a time when enem …

Children's mini encyclopedia about animals is a great gift for everyone who wants to dive into the mysterious world of these creatures. Young readers will learn a lot of facts about the habitat and lifestyle of predators, reptiles and inhabitants of t …

22 essays on Ukrainian novels from Kulish to Karpa. The book by Tetyana Trofymenko, a literary critic, or critic, as she is called in the literary environment, is dedicated to iconic novels that reflected the realities of the time and recorded stylistic a …

15-year-old Hestia Amalia lives in a cozy world reminiscent of the Belle poque, where people care primarily about artistic pleasures, dance parties and refined manners. However, her life inexplicably intersects with another world - invisible, but caught i …

The moment when reading fairy tales is very important for a child, and this illustrated collection of stories about wildlife is sure to help the little one fall asleep. All seventy stories included in the book are short: they can be read in just five minu …

The full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war changed Ukraine, and with it the whole world. Today, the fate of humanity depends on Ukraine's future. Therefore, both within our country and at the international level, there are discussions about whether it is ap …

"This book is your answer to the question of how to quickly and efficiently close vacancies, work with personnel and generate company profits. Cool and successful companies have long relied on HR as an intermediary between business and people, who underst …

At the top of the Big Tree lives a family of squirrels - father, mother and three baby squirrels - Melchior, Baltazar and Caspar (these were the names of the wise men who brought gifts to Jesus for Christmas). On the eve of the great holiday, Luke Caspar …

Inhabitants of Horishkovy Plavni are preparing for wintering. Some of them will sleep until spring, some will welcome the New Year, sculpt snowy owls, snow whites and snow horses, and some will travel to New Guinea to spend the winter. The animals are so …

Zoryana composes sad songs on the ukulele and reads a book about a boy, who travels through the forests. And sometimes he kicks painfully against the corner to free his own emotions and feelings. Zorya is a soft, secretive and a little clumsy teenager. No …

After reading this fascinating book, children and adults will want to play sports or at least go for a run. Readers will learn many interesting facts about tennis, football, rugby, gymnastics, fencing and many other sports. Rules, attributes, sports unifo …

Luke once noticed on the windowsill Oika - a monster from the planet Tanehai, who came to visit the planet Earth. The boy immediately became friends with him, but it is not easy to be friends with Oyk: he is uneducated and does not get into trouble. It&#3 …

Don Tillman is a successful genetic scientist who always followed logic and avoided any surprises. Even in his search for a life partner, he used a scientific approach with clear requirements, until he met the capricious and spontaneous Rosie Jarman. Now …

The good king Golovko needs help. And there is no way to do without the little dragon Dmukhlyk. He was already thinking about the details of the expedition, until here it is like snow on his head - a guest who has his own plans. He craves... training! Cro …

A notebook for a girl" is an irreplaceable helper for every stylish and modern teenager. It is in it that you can record important events in your life. This colorful book will help you make a training plan, develop healthy habits, plan a trip, and share y …

The exam and the first fears are behind us. The winged Artemis are ready to fight injustice again, to save the world ... and they are given the role of nannies of a wealthy lady and sent all the way to Madagascar. On the island - a paradise, no danger to …

Finally, the champion of all detectives, Fletcher, had a chance to rest. He has long dreamed of getting a good night's sleep, so he goes outside the city, away from the annoying noise. A skunk detective stops by a beautiful castle in a beautiful place …

"Santa is ready to go on a trip to please the kids with New Year's gifts. But here's the trouble! His hat has gone somewhere. Maybe it was blown away by the wind? Is this another trick of the besket elf? We need to find the hat as soon as possible …

A children's mini-encyclopedia of transport is a great gift for anyone who wants to see with their own eyes the true wonders of human engineering thought. Young readers will learn a lot of facts about the history of the origin, development and feature …

Become your own boss, work with joy AND DO A GREAT JOB! TURN YOUR WORKPLACE into a true piece of paradise with this diary. Thanks to it, you will get a chance to get rid of the rubbish that interferes with daily work processes, discard everything unpleasa …

Does the child not have time to learn school material? Does he get low marks and is forced to do extra work? The simulator is a guide that will help students practice practical skills and consolidate knowledge on various topics. With it, you will save tim …

In your hands is a wonderful gift for a baby - a large, bright encyclopedia for the smallest. It will become your child's favorite book, color photos will attract his attention, and short but meaningful articles will help you answer the questions of t …

Are foods with dyes and preservatives really driving us to the grave? Can coffee cause any diseases? Is a long shelf life good or bad for products? How much sunscreen should be used so that it brings benefits and not harm? Qualified chemist and popularize …

After finding her brother and saving the entire supernatural world, Amari Peters was convinced that her first summer as a junior agent would go smoothly. But due to the strict anti-magic program of the formidable new chief minister, the fierce rivalry of …

У підлітковому віці так важливо навчитися подобатися собі. Сформована у цей період самооцінка визначить твій майбутній світогляд, і дуже важливо, щоб вона не була занадто самокритичною. Хочеш менше ображатися й тривожитися, не соромлячись прагнути успіху …

«Джейн, лисиця і я» — графічний роман канадського драматурга Фанні Брітт і художниці Ізабель Арсено. Це щемка історія дівчинки Елен, так би мовити сучасної Джейн Ейр. Jane, the Fox and Me to powieść graficzna autorstwa kanadyjskiej dramatopisarki Fanny Br …

This book is a guide to survival in the modern information space. It contains the main methods of manipulation and fraud on the Internet. In simple language, specific examples show how to recognize them, what they are harmful and how to act to minimize ri …

How not to get confused when you see a wine list in a restaurant, skillfully choose the wine that tastes good to a particular dish, and distinguish between expensive drinks and cheap counterfeits - for wine lovers such skills are a must. But how to learn …

Discover the enchanting diversity of the wine world with a 20-chapter training course from renowned wine connoisseur Andrew Jeffford. This course will provide important guidelines for traveling around the world in search of not only the pleasure of taste, …

All Elliott Harkness wants to be a superhero His parents are superheroes. The older sister is a superhero. Even his the dog is a superhero. But there's a problem with Elliott: he's a "zero" a super-name for someone who doesn't have superpowers …

Elliott Harkness finally becomes a full-fledged member of the Liberty League - the largest team of superheroes on Earth. But the boy quickly understands that having powers is one thing, but controlling them is quite another! So, after another failed missi …

With the help of the books in the "My Day with STEM" series, children learn many interesting facts about mathematics, science, technology and engineering. This will allow young readers to test themselves in the most modern and relevant professions and con …

A notebook for a girl" is an irreplaceable helper for every stylish and modern teenager. It is in it that you can record important events in your life. This colorful book will help you make a training plan, develop healthy habits, plan a trip, and share y …

oprawa: twarda",""Oh, what shone so brightly in the distance? Maybe it was the Christmas star that brought good news? Is someone kind with smiling eyes coming to your house to share a festive dinner? Miracles happen on Christmas night. The bear who lives …

One winter day, when the whole world was in the pre-Christmas mood, something happened. A little mouse received a message from Santa. That's right! But the message turned out to be not at all cheerful: Santa will not be able to come to the forest to c …

Champion detective Fletcher is worried about the well-being of his assistant Theo. Togo is bored and they take shivers through the upcoming checkpoint. Thanks to the miracle exercises, the boy does master himself and performs all mathematical tasks surpri …

"Winter has come, and everyone is happy about the snow. There are only a few days left until Christmas, but Ralphie the bunny is sad. What prevents the baby from enjoying the coming holiday? It turns out that all his friends fell into hibernation. And how …

People from all over the world love horror stories that can tickle the nerves. Therefore, on the pages of this book, the heroes of twelve of the greatest works of adventure literature greet their readers: Frankenstein, Dracula, the Hound of the Baskervill …

"Milk and Honey is a poetic collection about love, loss, trauma, violence, healing and femininity, it is divided into four chapters, each of which deals with a particular kind of pain, heals a particular kind of heartache. Milk and Honey invites the reade …

"Achieving peace is possible, but it is not easy. If meditation and calming mantras are not enough to cope with problems and make your life easier, turn to this diary. In its pages you will find effective ways to preserve all the good that surrounds you, …

Why is the hippo sad, and the lion incessantly sobs rhythmically? Whose strange voice does the tiger hear? What can you find when searching for pirate treasure? Who has magic ink and what power does it have? What is a hare in wolf's clothing capable o …

Morrigan Crowe and peace are like flowers growing out of snow: can such a thing be? Only recently, she and her friends had survived their first year in the Society of the Prodigious Chosen in Group 919. Then, a year ago, she had already had to face and de …

This illustrated encyclopedia invites readers on an incredible tour of the world of the most dangerous creatures: from big cats and bears to sharks and crocodiles. Modern scientific information about a wide variety of animals is accompanied by excellent p …

Let's meet: this is Be-Ze, that is, the Blue Notebook. His owner, Vlada, wanted to write a "Thick Book" on these pages, but at the end of February, plans changed. Vlada went to Poland with her mother and began to write down her innermost thoughts in m …

In 2014, Russia illegally annexed Crimea, created a separatist movement in Donbas, and then attacked Ukraine with its regular army and special forces. In each case of Russian aggression, the US response was criticized as inadequate, insufficient or indeci …

This book was published in partnership with the UAnimals organization, and 5 hryvnias from the sale of each copy will be used to save animals. Kit Potap didn't really believe in people, and even less in miracles. The dog Zhuzha almost lost her paws, c …

His "crusades" for democracy and human rights have become a legend in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. The prominent political leader, who survived the war, was held captive in Vietnam for five years and returned gray-haired. He openly opposed Trump&#3 …

Hanna and Henry found a pencil, but they had no idea that thanks to it, a heart-breaking adventure awaits them... until the magic pencil started drawing on its own! At that very moment, a miracle happened. A powerful hurricane burst into the room, picked …