
Znaleziono 108 ofert

У підлітковому віці так важливо навчитися подобатися собі. Сформована у цей період самооцінка визначить твій майбутній світогляд, і дуже важливо, щоб вона не була занадто самокритичною. Хочеш менше ображатися й тривожитися, не соромлячись прагнути успіху …

«Джейн, лисиця і я» — графічний роман канадського драматурга Фанні Брітт і художниці Ізабель Арсено. Це щемка історія дівчинки Елен, так би мовити сучасної Джейн Ейр. Jane, the Fox and Me to powieść graficzna autorstwa kanadyjskiej dramatopisarki Fanny Br …

This book is a guide to survival in the modern information space. It contains the main methods of manipulation and fraud on the Internet. In simple language, specific examples show how to recognize them, what they are harmful and how to act to minimize ri …

How not to get confused when you see a wine list in a restaurant, skillfully choose the wine that tastes good to a particular dish, and distinguish between expensive drinks and cheap counterfeits - for wine lovers such skills are a must. But how to learn …

Discover the enchanting diversity of the wine world with a 20-chapter training course from renowned wine connoisseur Andrew Jeffford. This course will provide important guidelines for traveling around the world in search of not only the pleasure of taste, …

Wars change the world: they cause the collapse of empires and the transformation of alliances, they reveal the nature of global socio-political systems. Today, we are witnessing the collapse of the last of the empires, if not the most ridiculous of them, …

After finding her brother and saving the entire supernatural world, Amari Peters was convinced that her first summer as a junior agent would go smoothly. But due to the strict anti-magic program of the formidable new chief minister, the fierce rivalry of …

Princesses to rescue and brave knights, cunning animals and wonderful creatures, good fairies and evil witches, distant kingdoms and close friends... as if by magic wands, they all ended up in this book. So hurry up and start reading. so that the fairy ta …